Refinance Form Details

First Name: Ravindra

Last Name: vekariya


Phone Number: +18200900515

Address: Varachha simada naka

Zipcode: 395006

Do you own your home?: Yes – I own a home

Have you or your spouse served in the military?: Yes – I own a home

What is your estimated current credit score?: Below Average (580-619)

What type of home do you live in?: Multi-family residence (Permanent Foundation)

How much do you owe on your mortgage?: $750,001 – 1,000,000

What is the estimated value of your home?: $450,001 – 500,000

Do you wish to take cash out from your Mortgage?: $700,001 – 950,000

What is your current interest rate?: 4.0

What is your current loan type?: FHA

Who do you make your mortgage payment to?:

What is your employment status?: Self-Employed

Can anyone on the loan verify their income?: Yes